The problem is that a level thirty perk later does the exact same thing but far better. This perk can be useful if your play style involves pumping all your stats into certain categories by taking away from others. No Weaknesses- All SPECIAL stats lower than 5 become 5. In the end this perk's usefulness comes down to if you do or don't like to use Dogmeat even though you could just load a saved game. Third, if you fire a follower with a puppie in tow a glitch will not let you rehire any other followers.

Second, the new Dogmeat has double the health as the original. Just wait a bit, and you'll find your new furry friend waiting outside Vault 101.įirst of all you can still get a new Dogmeat even if he died before you got the DLC.

Puppies!- If Dogmeat dies, you'll be able to get a new canine companion from his litter of puppies. Since there is a limited amount of quantums in the game this perk is usefull for the above reasons but not much else. This can be useful if you need the Nuka-Cola Challenge quest, like to use nuka grenades, or like to drink them. Quantum Chemist- Every 10 Nuka-Colas you acquire are automatically converted into a Nuka-Cola Quantum. The flaw is that like Swift Learner and Here And Now is that once your level maxes it will do nothing and be like a wasted perk. This perk can be useful immediately for those who want to level up fast since after sleeping you will gain 10% more experience. (New perks become available every even numbered Level)ĭeep Sleep- You receive the well rested effect no matter what bed you sleep in. Not only can you increase your skills even more, 14 new perks have been added. With the new DLC it raises the level cap from 20 to 30.